Friday, April 17, 2009

Cheaters Never Win

By Alex Bambos

He was looking out the window
In a nice, quiet are that he had saved to himself
He looked out on the valley of buildings
As he fell back into his seat
His vision now on blue

He did not know what happened next
His vision went back to the valley
Then back to blue

But the blue was getting further and further away from him
As a watery explosion rocked the life out of him
The people behind him yelled
Endangering themselves
But not knowing it

Desperately he tried to restore calm,
As he sank into Davy Jones’s Locker.
In what was to be his grave.

“But you always cheat death,” his friend had once said.


But cheaters never win,
Even in times where it matters most.
And as the water hit him, he was able to relax,
For he was a cheater no more.

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